I'll post already! Seriously, everyone just hounds me and hounds me! When are you going to post? Are you ever going to post again? Are you still alive? Let's see pics of your kids?
The problem is, that I have been very lazy about taking pictures! But, I will clue you in on my life for the last few months. And, I will try to post a little more often!
Joey and I went on a cruise a few weeks ago. It was fantastic! We laid in the sun, ate to our hearts content, read 3 books and just plain relaxed! No kids, no schedules, no jobs! We went to the Mexican Riviera and stopped at Cabo San Lucas, Mazatlan and Puerta Vallarta. The weather in Mexico was fabulous and so warm. I am really missing it right about now. My parents came to stay with the kids and spoiled them rotten for 8 days. We can't begin to thank them for their time and generosity. I am already planning our next trip in 2010. (At least in my head)
The problem is, that I have been very lazy about taking pictures! But, I will clue you in on my life for the last few months. And, I will try to post a little more often!
Joey and I went on a cruise a few weeks ago. It was fantastic! We laid in the sun, ate to our hearts content, read 3 books and just plain relaxed! No kids, no schedules, no jobs! We went to the Mexican Riviera and stopped at Cabo San Lucas, Mazatlan and Puerta Vallarta. The weather in Mexico was fabulous and so warm. I am really missing it right about now. My parents came to stay with the kids and spoiled them rotten for 8 days. We can't begin to thank them for their time and generosity. I am already planning our next trip in 2010. (At least in my head)
I started an after-school enrichment program at our elementary school. I am teaching Elementary Art to K-3rd graders. I teach every Tuesday from 3:45-4:45. It is a great job and I am really enjoying it. Nicole is taking a drama class and will be staring in Cinderella in a few weeks. She has the roll of Narrator.
Brendon started baseball practice and has his first game this Saturday.
Hayden is still enjoying preschool and just plain enjoying life.
And, Blake. What can I say. He is the sweetest thing on this earth. Well, that isn't quite true. He does know how to throw a tantrum if he can't get into the pantry and treat himself to some food. You would think I am starving the kid. But, when he isn't screaming for my attention, he is quite angelic!
I have been spending loads of time learning how to coupon. Coupon? you ask. What is this? There is a whole society of couponers in our area who are saving tons of money on groceries. I decided I wanted to save also, and have spent lots of my time learning the ins and outs of coupons, store policies, checking coupon blogs and finding the good deals. I will admit it is a little addicting and I find the hunt quite exciting. When you walk out of a store after saving a TON of money and getting some items free, I feel like I just hit it big on the craps or blackjack table. Kinda the same feeling. I have been stocking up and get my year supply in order. For example, this week I plan on buying 100 boxes of cereal. Yep, I said 100! I bet you are thinking, why would she buy so many boxes. Well, I happen to have four children who eat cereal like it is going out of style. It has a year shelf life, but we won't worry about that. I am sure my kids will eat through that by the end of summer. Then I will have to start looking for another good cereal deal. Oh by the way, I will get 100 boxes for about $33. Yippee!!
Well, I can't think of what else has been going on. We are just making it day to day. Hoping, longing, dreaming of some warm weather. I look forward to a day I can open the back door and let Blake out in the back yard without a coat, hat, shoes and socks.
Last, but not least! Go Uconn!! I can already smell the money!!!