Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Baby Bumbo

So, I am walking the halls of the kids school on Monday while Hayden is at speech, and I run into Brendon's teacher from last year. She just had a baby in Feb. She and I start talking about crawling babies and I tell her I can't wait for Blake to sit up. She tells me I need a baby bumbo. I tell her I agree, but seeing as Blake is my last, I don't want to spend the money. So she says that Blake can use hers. So, Brendon gets off the bus yesterday with a baby bumbo for our baby Blake!!!! We are so excited. He is so cute sitting up and enjoying the view.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Chrismas Fun!

Baylee and Nicole


Our violinists preparing for their debut.

Aubrey and Macey (Aubrey just had 10 inches of hair cut off for Locks of Love)

"Up on the Housetop"
"Good King Wenceslas"

"Once there was a Snowman"

"Jolly Old St. Nicolas"

Trey and Hayden nursing running noses.

Karl taking care of Blake

Wants an orange Mac Laptop! (Getting right on it :-)

Wants a bottle and his crib!

Wants a blue hat just like Brendon.

Wants an American Girl Doll.

My 3 boys resting after a long week!

It has been a very busy week for the Tueller Clan! On Monday, we had our annual Santa party with the Tuellers. Santa came for a visit and all of the kids performed, showing us their musical talents. Brendon played the violin, Nicole played the piano, and Hayden did a fabulous rendition of "Once there was a snowman." The Hunts came along for the fun and their girls graced us with their musical and vocal talents as well.

On Thursday, Brendon had his orchestra concert at school. They were fantastic, and I can't believe how much they have learned since school started in September. I was truly impressed, seeing as I had very low expectations.

We are anxiously awaiting Christmas. My kids can't wait for Santa, and I can't wait to get this dead Christmas tree out of my house. I am the last traditionalist. I insist on a fresh tree every year. Then we end up letting it die about 2 weeks before Christmas, and all we have left is a fire hazard. Am I starting to sound like Chevy Chase in Christmas Vacation? That is sorta how I feel.
Merry Christmas!!!

Friday, December 7, 2007


Please help me! I am weening Blake, and I am in so much pain. Does anyone know what I can do to dry up faster and ease the pain?

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Finally a New Post!

Alright, here is a new post. I don't have much to say, because my life is too mundane! Tonight is our Relief Society Dinner that I am in charge of food and table decorations. I went to set up at the church at 12:45 after teaching preschool this morning. I dropped the boys off at Tonya's for a nap, but neither would fall asleep. So Tonya finally called me to say that I needed to get Blake, because he wouldn't stop screaming. Just great! That baby is too high maintenance. Now he is upstairs in his crib screaming. I am so glad that Joey picked this week to be out of town. Tonight Karl (my father-in-law) is babysitting from 4-9. I am sure that he might need a padded room when I get home. I am not sure that I am cut out for this motherhood thing. :)

Let's see, what else is going on? We have Christmas all set up and lights on the house. I have attached a picture of the kids that the Tuellers are using for their Christmas card. Well, I had better get to picking up my house and making copious notes for this evening.

Monday, November 19, 2007


Two weeks ago, the kids and I went to Heber for a long weekend. It was an experience traveling with four kids for six hours by myself, but we survived. What did we do before TV's and DVD's in our cars? Brendon went to the BYU vs. TCU football game with Poppy. It has been his wish for as long as I can remember to go to a game. He had a great time and they won! Way to go Cougars! We went to Parker's championship football game and they won! Other than football games, we had breakfast with Corinne, played on the four wheelers, had lunch with Steven's family in Sandy and played with Jennifer and baby Brooklyn. We also looked for fabric for Karen's nursery. It's a girl! It was a great weekend and we are looking forward to Christmas in Heber.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

School Pictures

Nicole was sent to school wearing her pink turtleneck sweater for picture day. She took it upon herself to add the sweatshirt for the picture. :)

Decorating Cookies/Hayden's Birthday

October 29th was Hayden's 3rd birthday. We celebrated at the Tueller's house decorating halloween cookies and having dinner.

Trick or Treat!

Well, Halloween has come and gone. If you ask me I will say "Thank Goodness!" I think it is fun and all, but a whole lot of work. Brendon went as a referee, and he looked awesome. Nicole went as a witch for the second year in a row. She insisted on using the costume again, because she wanted to paint her nails green. Hayden was a tiger and that is very appropriate. Blake utilized the "ever-famous" pea in a pod costume. It has now been used for four Halloweens. We have decided to retire the costume and it is up for auction. Don't all jump at once! It was a great Halloween season, and we are looking forward to an excellent November.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Check out my Slide Show!

Halloween Party

On Saturday we had a Halloween party for the neighborhood kids. It was a blast. We had 33 kids in all. We started with a scavenger hunt through the neighborhood, and ended at our house for a carnival like party. We had face painting, paint a pumpkin, bobbing for apples, and guess the weight of the pumpkin. The kids had a blast. We served nachos, chili and hotdogs. I am hoping it was a first annual. Our only casualty was a chipped tooth during the first five minutes during a rousing tackle football game while waiting for everyone to arrive. I think his parents have forgiven me. :)

Friday, October 26, 2007

My Miserable Ankle!

Ok, so I did sprain (I think that is the correct spelling) my ankle yesterday. It sucks. It is swollen and bruised. It is so perfect for all of those running up and down the stairs putting the binky back in. :( I feel like an invalid. Nicole has her spelling test today, for which I don't think she is ready. Darn it! She told me that she was going to try to get 100% so that she could have another pen. Oh my goodness, who knew pens would be such a huge commodity. Karen, you might have to send me some more. I am going visiting teaching today, and then I have to get ready for the party! Happy Friday!

Pics of my new Artwork.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Oh, Baby!

My Baby:

Blake Joseph

3 Months Old
Almost Sleeping through the night

Eats every 4 hours

Loves his binky

Still has his arms pinned down when he sleeps

Smiles alot and is starting to make cooing noises

Aunt Karen gave him this outfit!

Ok, Ok! Here I go.

I am not entirely sure who I am writing this to. Considering that I talk to most everybody, everyday. But in case there is some random person reading this that doesn't really know me (Jennifer:))(Did you enjoy the shout out?) forgive me if you have already heard everything. I just got back from Hayden's speech evaluation/IEP meeting. It went well. He is in the 99% for every category except speech where he is in the 7%. Oops! He is probably going to start having two days a week of speech at our home school, Lake Hazel Elem. Nicole has her appointment with her cardiologist today. We will see how that goes. Ok, well that is about it. I live a very exciting life. I will try to post some pics from our outing to the pumpkin patch on Sat.