Thursday, October 25, 2007

Ok, Ok! Here I go.

I am not entirely sure who I am writing this to. Considering that I talk to most everybody, everyday. But in case there is some random person reading this that doesn't really know me (Jennifer:))(Did you enjoy the shout out?) forgive me if you have already heard everything. I just got back from Hayden's speech evaluation/IEP meeting. It went well. He is in the 99% for every category except speech where he is in the 7%. Oops! He is probably going to start having two days a week of speech at our home school, Lake Hazel Elem. Nicole has her appointment with her cardiologist today. We will see how that goes. Ok, well that is about it. I live a very exciting life. I will try to post some pics from our outing to the pumpkin patch on Sat.