Tuesday, June 17, 2008

I Love Camping!

I have to say, that I LOVE camping! It could be because I didn't have Blake for 4 days, or that I hung out with friends for 4 days, or that I ate good food and treats nonstop for 4 days, or that I didn't have to look at a messy house or do laundry for 4 days, but whatever the reason, we had a great time last weekend!

The kids and I headed up to McCall, Idaho with 60+ friends and camped at scenic Ponderosa State Park. We borrowed an old tent trailer named "Old Green." It doesn't look like much, but this little trailer was perfect. We had electricity, so we had a light, a heater and a small DVD player. All the comforts of home. It got quite cold at night, but we were toasty warm in our trailer.

We went on several bike rides.

We also hiked and played at the beach.

I had the wrong setting on my camera for this picture, which is why it is too bright. This is just a small sampling of children for the weekend.

The kids made their dramatic debut at the Ponderosa Amphitheater. It was right over the hill from our campsite, and they played for HOURS. They created many shows. Brendon directed and stared in "Brendon and the Evil Pine Cone!" It received critical acclaim.

We had a great weekend. I think I could really got into this camping thing. What I wouldn't give for a s'more right now!


Rees Family said...

I love the new post! All of your pictures are great. O.k.....not all. You have got to figure out that camera. Your trailer looks so comfy. I did want a close up of the homemade curtains though. You make camping look a whole lot more pleasant than it actually is. Maybe if I could use Tonya's trailer with the granite and travertine I might be in. Love the post and would like to see them come more often. Your kids are seriously adorable. That Hayden. (I sound like mom).

Karin said...

Super fun, indeed! i miss it already. -That is, until I walk through my laundry room... it's almost back to normal (and I was there 1/2 the time you were!)
I'm ready for round two of the beans, and this time- no more ms. niceguy- I mean business...

Letia said...

You are amazing! And you took a million more pics than me, what was I thinking? I love it when I carry a camera around all weekend and come home and download my four pictures!

Montgomery Family said...

I love Old Green. I think you should buy it. I looks so cozy in there. You really are Super Mom to take your kids camping without Joey. Way to go!! Love the pics. Brendon is SO big! Tell him Happy Birthday for me!!