Monday, March 10, 2008

Biggest Loser Update!

Good Morning! I just weighed in and lost 2lbs. I exercised really hard last week and am really thrilled with this number. I just hope it is enough to keep me in first. As I get near my goal, I am worried that it is going to be hard to lose those last couple of pounds. I hope I can keep it up to the end of the competition. The last weigh in is Monday, March 24th. I you are trying to reach me on the evening of the 24th, you can find me at Red Robin eating a Whiskey River BBQ burger with bottomless fries dipped in fry sauce. Hmmmmm! I can't wait. I will update later today about the standings for The Biggest Loser.
Update: I am still in first place, but the margin is getting small. I am going to have to be really disciplined these next two weeks!!!!


Montgomery Family said...

You HAVE to win! Are you in first place still? I'm waiting for the standings? I wish I could go to Red Robin with you. I would get the guacamole burger! Yum!!!!

April said...

mmm. if i were with you i would make you go to islands and we could get a sunset burger instead. yum. BUT ALISA, it's not about WINNING the prize, but about making LIFESTYLE changes, don't you know??? ;) I can't wait for the show tonight. xoxo congrats and keep it up!