Joey came home last Friday, and what a reunion we had at the Boise Airport! I got there a little early, to make sure that we didn't miss the all important greeting at the door. Due to our promptness, the kids took the opportunity to ask me one million questions and basically drive me and every other person in the waiting area insane. Here's is a sampling of what I heard... Do you think his plane has landed? What does his plane look like? What seat was he sitting in?
And, by the way, his plane did finally land, we got Hayden some food, they did get some presents, and he didn't come home with a goatee! I couldn't be happier!
Yay!!!!! I'm so glad that Joey's home. Life is finally back to normal. I'm sad that I can't call you at all hours of the day and night though. I'm glad that your kids can feel normal and have a dad around again. Love the pictures and the cute post.
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