Wednesday, January 16, 2008



What is his name? Joseph Christian Tueller (aka Joey, to family and friends, and in business, Joe.)

How long have you been together? Married for 14 years (15 in July) Oh, my gosh that is a long time, but we have never had a bad year!

How long did you date? We dated for 2 years before getting married.

How old is he? 37 (That is old, he is half dead)

Who eats more? Definately me. He always says that I could eat him under the table. I am not sure this is something I should be proud of. :)

Who said I love you first? Can't remember, but probably me. He loves to joke about how I chased him until he had no choice but to commit.

Who is taller? Joey is taller (5' 11 1/2")

Who can sing better? Neither of us are very good singers. When we were in college, I told Joey he sounded like Kermit the Frog, and I haven't heard him sing a hymn since. Oops!

Who is smarter? This is a rude question. Like I am going to say I am way smarter than my husband. He does read this blog periodically. Joey is definately smarter than I am in all life aspects, ie money, finance, economics, (he would say parenting) and business. I would say that I am smarter with book smarts, ie english and literature. (I just copied that from Jennifer)

Who does the laundry? I do all the laundry. Joey has said that he will help and be responsible for many household chores, but laundry is not one of them. Oh well, I am kind of anal about how it should be washed and folded, so I don't mind.

Who pays the bills? Luckily Joey does. Otherwise, we would be in some serious trouble.

Who sleeps in the right side? I sleep on the right.

Who mows the lawn? Joey. But in the spring, I will surprise him every once in a while.

Who cooks dinner? I cook dinner. But, he helps and helps clean up.

Who drives? Joey

Who is more stubborn? Me.

Who kissed who first? It was mutual, but it was a month after our first date. Boy, he took his time!

Who asked who out first? He asked me out first. We went to Jackson Hole for my birthday.

Who proposed? Joey

Who is more sensitive? Neither of us are very sensitive. Maybe that is why we get along so well.

Who has more siblings? Me. I have 2 brothers and 2 sisters. Joey has 2 brothers and 1 sister.

Who wears the pants? Joey does, but I have to be careful, because he always wants to make me happy.

I have no one to Tag :(


Montgomery Family said...

Ya for a new post. Do I need to just supply you with these tags so you have something to write about? So sad that you have no one to tag. You need to get all of your friends up there on the blogging bandwagon.

Gotta love that Joey!!

April said...

I am so glad Karen tagged you - I check your blog every day and you post from Xmas has been getting a LITTLE old. Very interesting info -- if I had a blog, you could have tagged me. but i don't. XOXO

April said...

I don't mean to be mean about your last post, though, because the pics are so so cute. All your kids are so cute, but the pics of Hayden and Blake are OOC adorable. I swear my Parker could be one of yours. I have to send you a pic.