Monday, January 28, 2008

The Biggest Loser- Week 3

I lost 2 lbs!!!! I can't believe it. It is just dropping off. Well, I can't say dropping off, because I have worked very hard. I have been walking on the treadmill everyday and doing some weights. I have also been eating really healthy, which is quite difficult for me, because I love all things unhealthy. But, it is all worth it. Whenever I want to eat something really fattening, I just tell myself, "It won't taste as good as thin feels!" I haven't gotten the standings for this week for our Biggest Loser competition, but I will update this post when I find out. Congrats to me! :)

Update: I am still in first place with 4.76%. I was fourth place for the week. They are gaining on me. I need to have a really good week!!!


Montgomery Family said...

Yay, congrats to you!! You keep dropping the pounds and they keep landing in my belly!!! Help, I keep gaining!!!

Rees Family said...

You are doing so great!!! You need to give Craig some of that energy to get going. I don't think he's taking this competition quite as seriously as you. Please try and have the eating healthy part done by the time you come to Utah. I don't need to be hearing about the amount of points I'm eating.

April said...

Congrats is right! You rule!! I can't believe how much you are losing! It's like you are on the show. Seriously. I am inspired.