Thursday, February 21, 2008


About twice a year, Joey goes to a job fair where companies are trying to recruit employees. To achieve this task, they put their logo and information on different (interesting) items for giveaways. So, Joey gets a bag and heads down the aisle to collect more useless items to clutter our already overflowing house. He then brings them home and has an auction. Each kid is allowed 2-3 choices. He pulls one out of the bag at a time and explains what each item can do for them. The kids get so excited. They are sure that they can't live without the pizza cutter with the target logo. What would a three year old need a pizza cutter for? Anyway, this is a very exciting event at our house.

All lined up waiting for a useless item that they can't live without!
The auctioneer stating the importance of a personal, portable sewing kit.
Who couldn't live without these flip flops 10 sizes too big for any of them.
Hayden is going to get a lot of use out of this ruler with a picture of all the presidents!
Received this beautiful lanyard, but can't take his eyes off the next item up for grabs.
Nicole will actually utilize this portable notebook and pen.
Nicole ended up with the sewing kit, or are those birth control pills?
Brendon is really enjoying this spongey potato passed off as a mini football.


Montgomery Family said...

So funny!! I can see your kids getting so excited about all that crap.

April said...

this is hysterical. but so much fun to make a game out of it that they can get so excited for. you know in 20 years they are going to be saying "remember when we used to have those auctions that we got so excited about and it was just a bunch of crap?" :)

Lance Homer said...

Tell Joey he is nuts. Nonetheless, I can totally seem him doing this and thinking he is so so clever. That was a great laugh this morning!
