2. Awesome Dad
3. Keeps me laughing
4. Works hard to provide for our family
5. ALWAYS wants me to be happy
1. Beautiful (Definitely a mother comment!)
2. Great Sister
3. She is super creative
4. She is very independent
5. She is a pleaser!
1. Has the biggest open mouth smile!
2. Grabs at everything, including my face
3. Sleeps from 6pm-8am
4. He has beautiful blue eyes (Another mother comment)
5. Will always be my baby
1. Is the cuddliest child
2. Is happy 95% of the time
3. He is extremely funny
4. Is very patient when I can't understand what he is saying
5. Loves his thumb (I probably shouldn't love this, but I must admit I think it is really cute. Probably won't think it is that cute when he is in Kindergarten)
1. Is the best big brother
2. Always wants to do the right thing
3. Is a super over-achiever at school
4. Tries to keep me on the straight and narrow ie. Not breaking the sabbath :(
5. Loves being part of our family
Well, that is about it! If you can't tell, I am head over heels for my family. On this day especially, I can reflect upon how fortunate I am. I have a husband who adores me, and 4 very healthy, happy children. Things can't get much better. (Well, maybe if I lose 4 lbs this week.)
To my extended family and friends, Happy Valentine's Day. I love you and appreciate you!
Hugs and Kisses- Alisa
You are so cute. I love your pictures. Each one is so adorable. What a great blog idea! Happy Valentine's Day!!
See? This is what I love about blogs...it gets you thinking about what you're thankful for, gives your family some love in the process, and is just good fun for those of us looking in. I love your blog!
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